Monday 9/30 Details:
Hidden Valley Preserve Quartz Mine!
Meet at 10:30 am in the main Hidden Valley parking area on Bee Brook Rd, Washington Depot (GPS 198 Bee Brook Rd., link to Google Maps navigation from EWoW attached below).
Pickup between 2-2:30pm in same parking lot.
Bring lunch, snacks, water bottle, sneakers or hiking shoes.
From the Hidden Valley website about the walk: "a 40-minute stroll along the banks of perhaps the wildest section of the Shepaug River. The shimmering summer waters are belied by tractor-sized boulders that dot the riverbed.
The final section of trail is a series of cool switchbacks carved deep into the hills, which loom above the narrow path. The crunch of quartz pebbles snapping with each step announces the approach to the mine. (1.34 miles one-way)".
Hidden Valley Preserve - Steep Rock Association
65 Bridge Street, New Milford, CT to 198 Bee Brook Road, Washington Depot, CT - Google Maps